Ниже преведен пример не блокируемого TCP клиента
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; namespace TcpSock { class TcpSock { int tcpIndx = 0; int tcpByte = 0; byte[] tcpRecv = new byte[1024]; //////////////////////////////////////// public Socket tcpSock; //////////////////////////////////////// public int Recv (ref string tcpRead) { tcpByte = tcpSock.Available; if (tcpByte > tcpRecv.Length - tcpIndx) tcpByte = tcpRecv.Length - tcpIndx; tcpByte = tcpSock.Receive(tcpRecv, tcpIndx, tcpByte, SocketFlags.Partial); tcpRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (tcpRecv, tcpIndx, tcpByte); tcpIndx+= tcpByte; return tcpRead.Length; } public int RecvLn(ref string tcpRead) { tcpRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (tcpRecv, 0, tcpIndx); tcpIndx = 0; return tcpRead.Length; } public int Send (string tcpWrite) { return tcpSock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tcpWrite)); } public int SendLn(string tcpWrite) { return tcpSock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(tcpWrite + "\r\n")); } } class Tcp { [STAThread] static void Main() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///class IPHostEntry : Stores information about the Host and is required ///for IPEndPoint. ///class IPEndPoint : Stores information about the Host IP Address and ///the Port number. ///class TcpSock : Invokes the constructor and creates an instance. ///class ArrayList : Stores a dynamic array of Client TcpSock objects. IPHostEntry Iphe = Dns.Resolve (Dns.GetHostName()); IPEndPoint Ipep = new IPEndPoint(Iphe.AddressList[0], 4444); Socket Server = new Socket (Ipep.Address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Initialize ///Capacity : Maximux number of clients able to connect. ///Blocking : Determines if the Server TcpSock will stop code execution ///to receive data from the Client TcpSock. ///Bind : Binds the Server TcpSock to the Host IP Address and the Port Number. ///Listen : Begin listening to the Port; it is now ready to accept connections. ArrayList Client = new ArrayList (); string rln = null; Client.Capacity = 256; Server.Blocking = false; Server.Bind (Ipep); Server.Listen( 32 ); Console.WriteLine("{0}: listening to port {1}", Dns.GetHostName(), Ipep.Port); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Main loop ///1. Poll the Server TcpSock; if true then accept the new connection. ///2. Poll the Client TcpSock; if true then receive data from Clients. while (true) { //Accept if (Server.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead)) { int i = Client.Add(new TcpSock()); ((TcpSock)Client[i]).tcpSock = Server.Accept (); ((TcpSock)Client[i]).SendLn("Welcome."); Console.WriteLine("Client {0} connected.", i ); } for (int i = 0; i < Client.Count; i++) { //check for incoming data if (((TcpSock)Client[i]).tcpSock.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead)) { //receive incoming data if (((TcpSock)Client[i]).Recv(ref rln) > 0) { //echo incoming data ((TcpSock)Client[i]).Send(rln); //check for new line if (rln == "\r\n") { ///receive line ((TcpSock)Client[i]).RecvLn(ref rln); //send the line to all clients for (int y = 0; y < Client.Count; y++) if (y != i) ((TcpSock)Client[y]).Send(i.ToString() + ": " + rln); Console.Write("{0}: {1}", i, rln); } } //recv returned <= 0; close the socket else { ((TcpSock)Client[i]).tcpSock.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); ((TcpSock)Client[i]).tcpSock.Close(); Client.RemoveAt (i); Console.WriteLine("Client {0} disconnected.", i); } } } } } } }
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